Policy and Restriction FAQs | Universal Studios Hollywood Skip to Main Content

Policies and Restrictions

1. Are there items I can’t bring into the Park?

For your safety we have enhanced the security procedures at the Park and ask for your understanding and cooperation.

Please note the following restrictions:

  • All bags, backpacks and packages will be x-rayed and/or inspected prior to entering the Park.
  • We recommend you leave unnecessary articles in your car and secure valuables in your trunk.
  • The following items are not permitted: any type of explosive or weapon, alcoholic beverages, marijuana, illegal drugs, clothing likely to create a danger or disturbance, clothing that may create a false impression of employment by Universal or as emergency personnel, segways (unless utilized as an ADA mobility device), hoverboards and drones.
  • Selfie sticks are permitted at Universal’s discretion but must be stowed on rides and attractions and the Studio Tour.

2. Can I bring food and drinks into the Park?

We offer a variety of fresh, delicious food for our guests to enjoy at restaurants and concession stands throughout our property; however, we understand that guests may need to bring outside food and drink into our Parks.

Please note the following guidelines for bringing food and drink into our Parks:

Acceptable items:

  • Bottled water (maximum 2 liters) 
  • Small snacks 
  • Any food required for special dietary needs 
  • Any food required for medical purposes and medically-indicated nutritional supplements 
  • Baby food/baby formula 
  • Soft-sided insulated bags no larger than 8.5” wide x 6” high x 6” deep 

Prohibited items:

  • Alcohol
  • Marijuana
  • Glass containers
  • Open containers
  • Large coolers of food
  • Hard-sided coolers
  • Soft-sided coolers larger than 8.5” wide x 6” high x 6” deep
  • Coolers, suitcases, and bags with wheels
Please be advised that all bags and personal items are subject to x-ray and additional inspection.

3. Do you have a smoking policy?

At this time, the Park’s designated smoking area is closed and tobacco smoking is not permitted in the Park. Please note that e-cigarettes and vaporizers are treated the same as tobacco. Additionally, marijuana is prohibited.

4. Is there security or police on property?

For the safety and convenience of our guests, Universal Studios Hollywood has a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Sub-Station on premise at Universal CityWalk Center Court.

Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department

5. Do you have a Code of Conduct policy?

Yes. Our Code of Conduct policy can be found below. While on property, guests may obtain a copy at Security or Guest Relations.


Welcome to Universal Studios Hollywood and Universal CityWalk (“Universal”).

In order to ensure that your visit and that of your fellow guests is pleasant, we request that all visitors to Universal comply with the following Code of Conduct:

  1. For Everyone’s Safety: All Visitors Must Pass Through Metal Detection Before Experiencing the Theme Park. All bags, backpacks and purses are subject to x-ray and/or additional inspection by Universal security without advance notice and should not be left unattended.
  2. Do not physically or verbally threaten or harass any person. Fighting, use of physical force, obscene or sexually explicit language or gestures, or racial, religious or ethnic slurs, including any display on apparel or via body art likely to create a disturbance or a danger to other persons, are prohibited. 
  3. Do not possess any item that could be used as a weapon, including, but not limited to: firearms, explosives, fireworks, chemical dispensing devices, or any clubs, sticks, knives or other object(s) that may be used in any way to inflict bodily injury on another person. Selfie sticks are permitted on Universal CityWalk at Universal’s discretion. Selfie sticks are permitted inside Universal Studios Hollywood, but must be properly stowed away during participation on rides and attractions and during the Studio Tour.
  4. Do not yell, scream, honk horns, race car engines, sing, play musical instruments, radios, audio players or other sound amplification devices, or otherwise communicate in a manner which creates noise of sufficient volume to disturb the ambient noise level of Universal or impinge on the hearing or peace of other persons beyond a 10-foot radius.
  5. Visitors must be fully clothed, including shoes and shirts. Except as required by Universal or for religious or medical reasons, visitors may not wear any covering that fully or partially obscures a person’s face. Clothing that Universal construes as indecent, exposes excessive portions of the skin, or that Universal views as inappropriate for a family environment is prohibited. Clothing or accessories (e.g. uniforms, costumes or props) that may create a false impression that visitors work for Universal or as emergency personnel are prohibited.
  6. Do not run, skate, rollerblade, skateboard, ride a bicycle or scooter, or use wheeled shoes. Do not obstruct or interfere with the free flow of pedestrian traffic, or otherwise engage in any unauthorized performance. Hoverboards are not permitted. Segways are not permitted except when utilized as an ADA mobility device. Drones, sometimes referred to as Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), or other controlled flying devices are not permitted on or above Universal property without Universal’s express written permission.
  7. Do not discard litter of any kind except in designated trash receptacles. Rummaging through or removing items from the trash receptacles or coin fountains is prohibited. Spitting is prohibited. Urinating anywhere except in designated restrooms is prohibited.
  8. Do not deface, damage or destroy any property belonging to Universal, its merchants or other persons.
  9. Open cans, bottles or other receptacles containing any alcoholic beverage are permitted only in areas specifically designated for the consumption of alcohol. Smoking or consuming tobacco (including e-cigarettes and vaporizers) in areas other than designated areas is prohibited. Marijuana and all illegal items, substances and paraphernalia are prohibited.
  10. No photographing or videotaping for commercial purposes or any purpose other than personal use without Universal’s prior consent. No photographing or videotaping in a manner that is harassing or disruptive to Universal’s merchants or other persons.
  11. Do not solicit money or other contributions or donations; sell admission tickets to Universal CityWalk and/or Universal Studios Hollywood; distribute commercial advertising or promotional material of any kind; engage in commercial activity; or offer samples of items which are sold or available for sale.
  12. Do not sit on floors, planters, handrails, stairs, escalators, trash receptacles or other areas not specifically designed for seating. Bicycles must be secured to approved racks provided by Universal. No occupied strollers or wheelchairs are allowed on escalators.
  13. Do not bring any animals on to Universal’s property with the exception of service animals providing assistance to visitors with disabilities and/or in the company of persons claiming to be a trainer of a service animal.
  14. Daytime curfews (Los Angeles County Code 13.57.010) and nighttime curfews (Los Angeles County Code 13.56.010), unless accompanied by an adult after 10:00 p.m.) will be enforced.
  15. Do not cruise or solicit in vehicles or in Universal’s parking areas or garages. Overnight parking without Universal’s written consent is prohibited.
  16. Line jumping where the use of a queuing system is employed is prohibited and may result in expulsion from Universal’s property.
  17. Visitors may bring into Universal Studios Hollywood bottled water (maximum 2 liters), small snacks, any food required for medical purposes and medically-indicated nutritional supplements, any food required for special dietary needs, baby food/baby formula and soft-sided insulated bags no larger than 8.5” wide x 6” high x 6” deep. Prohibited items are alcohol, marijuana, glass containers, open containers, large coolers of food, hard-sided coolers, soft-sided coolers larger than 8.5” wide x 6” high x 6” deep, and any coolers, suitcases or bags with wheels.
  18. Do not violate any federal, state or local law or ordinance. Failure to comply with all posted rules, signs, warnings and policies is prohibited.
Violators of this Code of Conduct will be asked to leave the Universal’s property and may be cited for trespass or violation of local, state or federal law and/or may be arrested by local law enforcement agencies.

Thank you for your cooperation.

6. Does Universal Studios Hollywood offer a complimentary return ticket on days when it rains?

No, tickets are valid rain or shine. On days when it rains, we do not offer any complimentary admission for guests to return another day.