Accessibility Information for Your Visit
Attraction Queue Accommodations
At Universal Studios Hollywood, we provide both inclusive environments and accessible experiences for our Guests. We have constructed our attraction queues and park entrances to be accessible to Guests using wheelchairs.
Individual Accessibility Card Program
Universal Studios Hollywood has developed an Attractions Assistance Pass for Guests who have difficulty with extended waits in a conventional attraction queue environment. The Attraction Accessibility Program is an accommodation designed to provide equal access to Park attractions and not to bypass other Guests waiting in the attraction queue.
Guests requesting an attraction queue accommodation may obtain the IBCCES Individual Accessibility Card (IAC) by registering at www.accessibilitycard.org within 30 days of their visit to the park and at least 48 hours before their visit. The IAC registration consists of an online application that includes uploading necessary documentation. IBCCES does not require or ask Guests to disclose their medical or psychological diagnosis or condition.
Guests who only need to use their mobility device do not need to apply for the IAC as our attraction queues and park entrances are accessible.
Once the Guest receives an approved IAC, a Universal Destinations and experiences Team Member will contact the cardholder to discuss the appropriate attraction queue accommodation for the cardholder’s visit.
Upon arrival at the park, the approved IAC cardholder will present the approved IAC to Guest Relations in a designated IAC fulfillment location to receive their attraction queue accommodation.
Note: An IAC does not guarantee a Guest will receive an Attractions Assistance Pass. Universal Studios Hollywood will determine the appropriate queue accommodation based on the cardholder’s specific needs.
Guests who are unable to register in advance may contact Universal Destinations and Experiences Guest Accessibility team at (407) 817-8349 or visit Guest Relations inside the theme park for additional information.
Note: Universal Destinations and Experiences does not issue the IAC. Only IBCCES can issue the IAC.
Other Accommodations
For additional accommodations not related to the attraction queues, please refer to tabs below, the Guide for Rider Safety and Accessibility or contact Guest Relations.
Guests Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Assistive Listening
Assistive listening devices for Guests who are hard of hearing are provided at Guest Relations free of charge. For Guests with mild to moderate hearing loss, amplified handsets are provided at all phone locations.
American Sign Language Interpreting
With one-week notice, sign language interpreting services will be made available in Universal Studios Hollywood at no charge. To arrange for sign language interpreting services, please contact Guest Relations via our website at www.UniversalStudiosHollywood.com or call 1-800-864-8377.
Video remote interpreting is available at Guest Relations and the First Aid stations.
Captioning is available upon request at designated attractions throughout the Park. Captioning is available at the following attractions:
- Despicable Me Minion Mayhem
- DreamWorks Theatre Featuring Kung Fu Panda
- The Secret Life of Pets: Off the Leash
- The Simpsons Ride™
- Studio Tour
For more information see an Attractions Team Member or view the Guide for Rider Safety and Accessibility.
Telecommunication devices for the deaf (TDD) are teletypewriter devices (TTY) are available at Guest Relations.
Guests Who Are Blind or With Low Vision
White Canes
Many attractions allow you to ride with a white cane but your cane may need to be collapsed. If the cane is not allowed on the ride vehicle, a Team Member will hold your cane for you after you’ve seated and will be available as soon as the ride vehicle is stopped in the unload area.
Attractions that allow you to ride with a white cane with room in the seating area:
- Despicable Me Minion Mayhem
- DreamWorks Theatre Featuring Kung Fu Panda
- Mario Kart™: Bowser’s Challenge
- Silly Swirly Fun Ride
- The Secret Life of Pets: Off the Leash
- Transformers™: The Ride-3D
- The Simpsons Ride™
- Studio Tour
- Jurassic World – The Ride
- Flight of the Hippogriff™
- Revenge of the Mummy – The Ride
The Guide for Rider Safety and Accessibility is available for loan in large print and embossed in Braille at the Guest Relations lobby. In addition, large-print scripts with Braille for our in-Park live action shows are available for loan at the Guest Relations lobby, as well as at each show listed below. Please see a Team Member for assistance.
- DreamWorks Theatre Featuring Kung Fu Panda
- Frog Choir
- Triwizard Spirit Rally
- WaterWorld
Guests With Wheeled Mobility Devices
A shuttle equipped with a wheelchair lift is available to transport Guests from the bottom of Universal Hollywood Drive (next to Lankershim Blvd.) to the hotels, CityWalk, and the Theme Park. A shuttle is available to transport Guests that cannot navigate the escalators between the Theme Park’s Lower Lot and Upper Lot.
For all Universal Studios Hollywood transportation options, wheelchairs, ECVs, Other Power-Driven Mobility Devices (OPDMDs), and other mobility devices must fit without being forced on lifts, ramps, and in designated wheelchair spaces. Wheelchairs, ECVs, and OPDMDs must be tied down in the shuttles by a Universal Studios Hollywood driver. Guests in EVCs and OPDMDs must transfer to shuttle seating during the trip. Guests may remain in a stroller-wheelchair unless the device is three-wheeled or a standard stroller. In these cases, the Guest must transfer to shuttle seating during the trip. For your enjoyment and convenience, Universal Studios Hollywood’s shopping and dining facilities are designed to be accessible to wheeled mobility devices.
Our Attractions are made to be accessible to Guests using wheelchairs. Please see each attraction description in the Guide for Rider Safety and Accessibility for further information or please see an Attractions Attendant for assistance. NOTE: Guests in EVCs or Other Power-Driven Mobility Devices with wide turn radius must transfer to an attraction provided wheelchair to access the main queue. Due to their dramatic motion, most of the ride vehicles at Universal Studios Hollywood will not accommodate standard wheelchairs, electric wheelchairs, ECVs, or OPDMDs. The Studio Tour accommodates standard wheelchairs and most electric wheelchairs but not ECVs or OPDMDs. The Secret Life of Pets: Off the Leash ride accommodates standard wheelchairs and stroller-wheelchairs not but electric wheelchairs, ECVs, or OPDMDs. Our outdoor stage shows have areas reserved for wheeled mobility devices. These areas are clearly marked with the International Symbol of Accessibility. If you need access to these areas, please notify a Team Member at the venue for assistance.
Electric Convenience Vehicle (ECV) and Wheelchair Rental
Wheelchair and Electronic Convenience Vehicle (ECV) rentals are available inside the park across from the Universal Studios Store. Wheelchair rentals are $25 per day. ECV rentals are $75 per day and require a signed a contract. Due to limited numbers, please note that ECV rentals are on a first-come, first-served basis and must be operated by a single person 18 years of age or older.
Guests With Protheses
Guests should properly secure all prosthetic limbs before riding the following attractions to prevent hazards or loss due to ride forces:
- Flight of the Hippogriff™
- Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey™
- Revenge of the Mummy – The Ride
Service Animals
Trained Service Animals are welcome to Universal Studios Hollywood.
Animals who do not meet the definition of a Service Animal will not be permitted in the Park. Service Animals must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered, unless these devices interfere with the Service Animal’s work or the individual’s disability prevents using these devices. In that case, the individual must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal, or other effective controls.
To help you make an informed decision about your Service Animal’s safety, each attraction has specific entry and boarding requirements, as well as kennels. Relief areas for your Service Animal are also available at select locations through the Park. For more information, please speak with an attendant or see the Guide for Rider Safety and Accessibility.
The following ride vehicles cannot accommodate Service Animals due to the nature of the experience:
- Flight of the Hippogriff™
- Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey™
- Jurassic World – The Ride
- Mario Kart™: Bowser’s Challenge
- Revenge of the Mummy – The Ride
- The Secret Life of Pets: Off the Leash
Guests With Oxygen Tanks
Oxygen tanks can be brought with you at some of our shows and attractions. However, due to the dramatic movement of the ride vehicles and certain flame effects at Universal Studios Hollywood, oxygen tanks (compressed and liquid) are not permitted at the following locations:
- Despicable Me Minion Mayhem
- Flight of the Hippogriff™
- Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey™
- Jurassic World – The Ride
- Mario Kart™: Bowser’s Challenge
- Revenge of the Mummy – The Ride
- The Secret Life of Pets: Off the Leash
- Silly Swirly Fun Ride
- The Simpsons Ride™
- Studio Tour
- Transformers™: The Ride-3D
Guests With Cognitive Disabilities
From high-speed attractions to energetic live shows to large walk-around characters, some of the entertainment offering at Universal Studios Hollywood may produce sensory overload in Guests who have hypersensitivity to sights, sounds, tastes, smells, and touch due to autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other cognitive issues.
- The Park provides a clutter-free environment with wide, clearly marked pathways that have smooth surfaces for environmentally sensitive individuals. There are some terrain changes, such as cobblestones in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter™.
- Team Members wear uniforms that vary based on location in the Park, often themed to that area.
- The Park is open with fresh air primarily free from harsh smells from cleaners or other sources, In and near restaurants and food carts, it is possible that cooking or smells of food are detectable.
- The Park restaurants offer a good variety of choices with food accommodations available.
- The Park has noise levels including music playing, some sound effects, and potential noise from other Guests walking through the Park, particularly during crowded and busy times. Sounds may vary depending on location. For example in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter™ the music is relatively soothing and low-key whereas music in Springfield is stimulating and active.
- The Park provides many opportunities for Guests to move around to reduce stress from sensory or other overwhelming stimuli.
The Family Center offers the following services:
- Quiet Rooms: Specially equipped spaces where Guests with autism spectrum disorder and their families can take a break.
- Sensory toys and therapy blankets available for use in quiet rooms upon request.
- Nursing Rooms: Private, lockable nursing rooms come with a rocking chair and sink.
- Companion Restrooms: Adult and children accessible companion restrooms.